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Terms of purchase

General terms and conditions
General terms and conditions

Názov spoločnosti: Maxfire Brandschutz s.r.o

Ulica a číslo: Južná trieda 74
Mesto a PSČ: 040 01 Košice - mestská časť Juh
IČO 54297478

DIČ 2121622096

Č.Ú.:BE89 9670 6490 4985, TRWIBEB1XXX, Wise SA

Pracovná doba: 8:00 - 16:00

1) O registrácii

"Vyhlasujeme, že dáta slúžia len pre účely identifikácie pri nákupe vo firme “Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o.” a nebudú poskytnuté tretím osobám ani inak zneužité. Potvrdením registrácie súhlasím so zasielaním ponukových e-mailov z internetového obchodu firmy “”.

Ponukové e-maily budú zasielané maximálne desaťkrát do mesiaca a veľkosť jednotlivých e-mailových správ neprekročí 200kB. Službu zasielania noviniek e-mailom môžete kedykoľvek zrušiť na e-mailovej adrese: “”, alebo na uvedenej pevnej adrese.

Objednávky je možné uskutočniť i bez registrácie.

2) Prijatie a vybavenie objednávky, kúpna zmluva

Objednávka kupujúceho je návrhom kúpnej zmluvy a samotná kúpna zmluva je uzatvorená momentom doručenia záväzného súhlasu kupujúceho i predávajúceho s týmto návrhom (záväzným potvrdením objednávky zo strany predávajúceho). Od tohto momentu medzi kupujúcim a predávajúcim vznikajú vzájomné práva a povinnosti.

Uzatvorením kúpnej zmluvy kupujúci potvrdzuje, že sa zoznámil s týmito obchodnými podmienkami, vrátane reklamačných podmienok, a že s nimi súhlasí. Na tieto obchodné podmienky a reklamačný poriadok je kupujúci dostatočným spôsobom samotným uskutočnením objednávky upozornený a má možnosť sa s nimi zoznámiť.

Predávajúci si vyhradzuje právo zrušiť objednávku alebo jej časť pred uzavretím kúpnej zmluvy v týchto prípadoch: tovar sa už nevyrába alebo nedodáva, alebo sa výrazným spôsobom zmenila cena dodávaného tovaru. V prípade, že táto situácia nastane, predávajúci bude okamžite kontaktovať kupujúceho za účelom dohody o ďalšom postupe. V prípade, že kupujúci zaplatil už časť, alebo celú sumu kúpnej ceny, bude mu táto čiastka prevedená späť na jeho účet a k uzavretiu kúpnej zmluvy nedôjde.

Všetky objednávky prijaté týmto obchodom sú záväzné. Objednávku možno zrušiť pred jej expedíciou. V prípade, že nebude objednávka zrušená do doby pred expedíciou a bude expedovaná, môže byť od objednávateľa požadovaná náhrada nákladov spojená s expedíciou tovaru. O prijatí objednávky ste automaticky informovaný elektronickou poštou - e-mailom. V detaile každého výrobku aj v potvrdení objednávky je predpokladaná dodacia lehota tovaru, ktorý nebol skladom. Pri každej položke je zobrazené, či je tovar na sklade, alebo nie. Pokiaľ tovar nie je na sklade, budeme Vás bezodkladne informovať o ďalšom termíne dodania.

Kupujúci potvrdzuje, že je osobou staršou ako 16 rokov.

Storno objednávky

Ak urobíte storno objednávky do 12 hodín, považujeme objednávku za zrušenú. Storno môžete poslať e-mailom prípadne vykonať telefonicky. Pri zrušení objednávky je nutné uviesť Vaše meno, e-mail a číslo objednávky.

3) Ceny

Všetky ceny sú zmluvné. V online e-shope sú vždy aktuálne a platné ceny v mene Euro (EUR) s výnimkou prípadov, pri ktorých dôjde k uvedeniu chybnej ceny viď ustanovenia nižšie v tomto článku.

Ceny uvedené pri jednotlivých produktoch sú konečné, t. j. vrátane DPH, prípadne všetkých ďalších daní a poplatkov, ktoré musí Kupujúci zaplatiť, aby získal tovar, to sa však netýka prípadných poplatkov za dopravu, dobierku a nákladov na komunikáciu prostriedkami na diaľku, ktoré sú uvedené až v rámci tzv. nákupného košíka, a ich výška sa odvíja od voľby Kupujúceho.

Kupujúci však berie na vedomie, že konečné ceny produktov sa uvádzajú po zaokrúhlení na celé eurá v súlade s príslušnými právnymi predpismi, v špecifických prípadoch tak môže v konečnom súčte všetkých zakúpených produktov dôjsť k nepatrnej odchýlke od takto uvedenej kúpnej ceny, čo je dané práve v dôsledku zaokrúhlenia na celé eurá. Podrobný rozpis kúpnej ceny, vrátane centov, je vždy uvedený v košíku Kupujúceho.

Akciové ceny platia do vypredania zásob Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o., v prípade uvedenia počtu kusov akciového tovaru do vypredania stanoveného počtu akciového tovaru alebo do skončenia akcie, podľa toho, čo nastane skôr.

Pôvodná cena znamená cenu tovaru, za ktorú predmetný tovar Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. ponúkala bez zohľadnenia akýchkoľvek možných bonusov, marketingových kampaní na podporu predaja a iných zľavových akcií na jej prevádzkovanom e-shope, alebo cenu nezáväzne odporúčanú výrobcom či distribútorom, pričom bude zobrazená vždy tá z cien, ktorá lepšie reflektuje cenovú hladinu daného výrobku na trhu.

Kupujúci berie na vedomie, že môžu nastať prípady, keď nedôjde k uzatvoreniu zmluvy medzi Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. a Kupujúcim, a to najmä v prípade, keď Kupujúci objedná tovar za cenu zverejnenú omylom v dôsledku chyby interného informačného systému Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. či pochybenia personálu Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o.

V takom prípade je Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. oprávnená od kúpnej zmluvy odstúpiť, a to aj potom, čo Kupujúci dostal e-mail potvrdzujúci jeho objednávku, o čom Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. Kupujúceho bez zbytočného odkladu informuje. Príklady, kedy môže dôjsť k chybne zverejnenej cene sú najmä nasledovné:

  • cena tovaru je na prvý pohľad nesprávna (napr. nezohľadňuje nákupnú cenu či obvyklú cenu tovaru);
  • pri cene tovaru chýba alebo je navyše jedna alebo viac cifier;
  • zľava na tovar presahuje 50% bez toho, aby tovar bol súčasťou zvláštnej marketingovej kampane či výpredajovej akcie označenej špeciálnym symbolom a inzerujúcej zodpovedajúcej výške zliav.
  • Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. upozorňuje, že informačný systém Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. uvádza aj pri tovare sa zjavne chybnou cenou automaticky informáciu, že ide o tovar zľavnený, resp. o tovar vo výpredaji a pod. V prípade pochybností, či je tovar skutočne zľavnený alebo či ide o zjavnú chybu v cene tovaru je preto Kupujúci povinný kontaktovať Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. a informáciu o správnosti ceny si overiť.

Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. si vyhradzuje právo vyhlásiť kúpnu zmluvu za neplatne uzatvorenú, ak došlo k zneužitiu osobných údajov, zneužitiu platobnej karty a pod., alebo z dôvodu zásahu správneho alebo súdneho orgánu, o takomto postupe bude Kupujúci informovaný.

Ďalej si Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. vyhradzuje právo vyhlásiť kúpnu zmluvu za neplatne uzavretú, ak dôjde k neoprávnenému použitie zľavového alebo obdobného poukazu v rozpore s jeho podmienkami, najmä sa jedná o prípady kedy:

  • zľavový poukaz je použitý na iný tovar, než na ktoré bol určený;
  • zľavový poukaz je použitý v spojení s inou zľavou, aj napriek tomu, že sčítanie týchto zliav nebolo výslovne zakázané;
  • zľavový poukaz je použitý na nákup, ktorý nedosahuje minimálnu stanovenú cenu;
  • Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. zistí, že zľavový poukaz už bol použitý.

Kupujúci berie na vedomie, že v uvedených prípadoch nemôže kúpna zmluva platne vzniknúť a zároveň kupujúci berie na vedomie, že je Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o. oprávnená požadovať okrem iného bezdôvodné obohatenie.

4) Druhy dopravy verejnými prepravcami:


Cena za prepravu sa zobrazuje ihneď po výbere spôsoby dopravy.
Reklamácia zásielky je možná do 3 dní od doručenia, za predpokladu, že poškodenie nebolo zjavné pri odovzdaní!

Zásielka je zvyčajne doručená do druhého dňa od odoslania. O odoslaní je zákazník informovaný e-mailom.

5) Záruka

Na Váš e-mail je vždy po odoslaní tovaru zaslaný doklad o kúpe. Záručná lehota začína plynúť dátumom uvedeným na doklade. Záručná lehota je uvedená pri každom výrobku v detailoch tovaru. V sporných prípadoch môže byť záručná lehota predĺžená o 5 (slovom päť) dní ako náhrada za čas dopravy.

6) Rozpor s kúpnou zmluvou - všeobecné informácie

V prípade, že vec pri prevzatí kupujúcim nie je v zhode s kúpnou zmluvou (ďalej len "rozpor s kúpnou zmluvou"), má kupujúci právo na to, aby predávajúci bezplatne a bez zbytočného odkladu vec uviedol do stavu zodpovedajúceho kúpnej zmluve, a to podľa požiadavky kupujúceho buď výmenou veci, alebo jej opravou; ak nie je takýto postup možný, môže kupujúci požadovať primeranú zľavu z ceny veci, alebo od zmluvy odstúpiť. To neplatí, ak kupujúci pred prevzatím veci o rozpore s kúpnou zmluvou vedel, alebo rozpor s kúpnou zmluvou sám spôsobil. Rozpor s kúpnou zmluvou, ktorý sa prejaví v priebehu šiestich mesiacov odo dňa prevzatia veci, sa považuje za rozpor existujúci už pri jeho prevzatí, ak to neodporuje povahe veci, alebo pokiaľ sa nepreukáže opak.

Na tovar poskytujeme záručnú dobu danú zákonom.

7) Právo Spotrebiteľa odstúpiť od zmluvy

Ak je kúpna zmluva uzatvorená pomocou prostriedkov komunikácie na diaľku (v internetovom obchode), má spotrebiteľ právo odstúpiť od zmluvy do 14 dní od prevzatia tovaru. V takom prípade spotrebiteľ kontaktuje predávajúceho a najlepšie písomne uvedie, že odstupuje od zmluvy s uvedením čísla objednávky, dátumu nákupu a čísla účtu pre vrátenie peňazí. Peniaze je možné vrátiť tiež v hotovosti v sídle spoločnosti. Odstúpenie od zmluvy musí byť doručené najneskôr posledný deň 14 dňovej lehoty. V osobitných prípadoch môže byť s prihliadnutím na okolnosti predĺžená lehota vrátenia, nie však dlhšie ako 30 dní od doručenia.

Toto ustanovenie zákona však nemožno chápať ako možnosť bezplatného zapožičania tovaru. Spotrebiteľ v prípade využitia práva na odstúpenie od zmluvy do 14 dní od prevzatia plnenia, musí dodávateľovi vydať všetko, čo na základe kúpnej zmluvy získal. Ak to už nie je dobre možné (napr. v medziobdobí bol tovar zničený alebo spotrebovaný), musí spotrebiteľ poskytnúť peňažnú náhradu ako protihodnotu toho, čo už nemôže byť vydané. Ak je vrátený tovar poškodený iba čiastočne, môže predávajúci uplatniť na spotrebiteľovi právo na náhradu škody a započítať svoj nárok na vrátenú kúpnu cenu. Predávajúci je v takom prípade povinný vzniknutú škodu preukázať. Predávajúci spotrebiteľovi v takom prípade vracia iba takto zníženú kúpnu cenu.


Právo na odstúpenie od zmluvy spotrebiteľ nemá, v prípade zmlúv:

na poskytovanie Služieb, ak s ich plnením bolo s jeho súhlasom začaté pred uplynutím lehoty 14 dní od prevzatia plnenia,
na dodávku tovaru alebo služieb, ktorých cena závisí na výchylkách finančného trhu nezávisle na vôli predávajúceho,
na dodávku tovaru upraveného podľa priania kupujúceho alebo pre jeho osobu, ako aj tovar, ktorý podlieha rýchlej skaze, opotrebovaniu alebo zastaraniu,
na dodávku audio a video nahrávok a počítačových programov, ak poruší kupujúci ich originálny obal,
na dodávku novín, periodík a časopisov, spočívajúcich v hre alebo lotérii.

8) Doručenie a dodacie podmienky

Niektoré zásielky môžu byť rozdelené do viacerých balíkov. Poštovné zostáva bezo zmeny.

Všetky zásielky sledujeme až do ich doručenia, snažíme sa tak predchádzať problémom, ktoré pri doručovaní vznikajú.

Ako postupovať pri vrátení tovaru:

    • Pripravte zásielku podľa popisu nižšie.
    • Tovar, ktorý budete zasielať späť na adresu zašlite podľa popisu nižšie vami zvoleným prepravcom.

Ako zásielku pripraviť

Zásielka musí byť kompletná (vrátane príslušenstva a všetkej dokumentácie) a v stave, v akom ste ju prevzali pri dodávke. K tovaru priložte doklad o kúpe. Vždy prosím použite baliaci papier či kartón, tak aby nemohlo počas prepravy dôjsť k polepeniu, popísaniu či inému znehodnoteniu pôvodných obalov. Neposielajte tovar na dobierku, odporúčame Vám tovar poistiť. Peniaze vám budú vrátené na bankový účet (nezabudnite ho uviesť) a to zvyčajne do 14 pracovných dní od obdržania zásielky. V prípade vrátenia tovaru bude suma znížená o prepravné náklady (neplatí pre reklamácie!).

9) Spôsoby úhrady

Všetky spôsoby úhrady, možno vybrať pred výberom dopravy. Všetky spôsoby platby sú zahrnuté v cene dopravy.
platba prevodom na bankový účet - pri výbere tejto možnosti obdržíte zálohový list so všetkými údajmi k platbe. Tovar budeme expedovať po obdržaní platby na bankový účet
dobierka - objednaný tovar Vám zašleme poštou a pri prevzatí tento tovar uhradíte v hotovosti
platobná karta
Internetová brána Barion

10) Bezpečnosť

Pri platbe platobnými kartami sa nemusíte báť zneužitia. Využívame preverenú platobnú bránu s protokolom 3-D secure, podporovaným kartovými asociáciami. Všetky interné informácie (heslá, mená, operácia) sa šifrujú. Pre zvýšenie rýchlosti nešifruje všeobecné informácie (informácie o jednotlivých položkách tovaru).

11) Reklamácie

V prípade, že tovar, ktorý ste od nás dostali, je poškodený alebo nefunkčný, postupujte podľa reklamačného poriadku. Vrátenie tovaru z dôvodu odstúpenia od zmluvy je popísané v bode 6. Obchodných podmienok.

12) Reklamačný poriadok

Výrobky, na ktoré sa vzťahuje právo uplatnenia reklamácie musia byť odovzdané na posúdenie ihneď po zistení závady, musia byť čisté a s náležitými dokladmi a popisom závady, prípadne označeným miestom závady.

Ako postupovať

V prípade reklamácie môžete zvoliť dve možnosti, postupujte podľa popisu nižšie: Zašlite výrobok na adresu - “Maxfire Brandschutz S.r.o., Južná trieda 74
040 01 Košice - mestská časť Juh”.  Zásielka musí byť kompletná (vrátane príslušenstva a všetkej dokumentácie) a v stave, v akom ste ju prevzali pri dodávke. K tovaru priložte doklad o kúpe. Vždy prosím použite baliaci papier či kartón, tak aby nemohlo počas prepravy dôjsť k polepenie, popísanie či inému znehodnoteniu pôvodných obalov. Neposielajte tovar na dobierku, v takom prípade nebude tovar prevzatý. Odporúčame Vám tovar poistiť. Ihneď po obdržaní tovaru obdržíte reklamačný protokol. Tovar musí byť pre prepravu riadne zabalený, tak aby nedošlo k jeho ďalšiemu prípadnému poškodeniu. Chybný alebo poškodený tovar bude vymenený alebo bude vrátená kúpna cena. K tovaru musia byť priložené všetky listiny, ktoré nakupujúci s tovarom obdržal, teda napríklad paragón, záručný list a iné. Predávajúci nepreberá zodpovednosť za škody vyplývajúci z prevádzky produktov, funkčných vlastností a škôd z neodborného používania produktov, rovnako ako škôd spôsobených vonkajšími udalosťami a chybnou manipuláciou. Na vady tohto pôvodu sa nevzťahuje ani poskytnutá záruka. Tovar je z hygienických dôvodov na reklamáciu prijatý len riadne vyčistený. Ak výrobca poskytuje záruku dlhšiu, je uvedená pri tovare v katalógu. U zamietnutých reklamácií môžu byť účtované náklady na reklamačné konanie a manipulačné poplatky. O vybavení reklamácie budete informovaní e-mailom, prípadne SMS. Rovnako ako pri dodaní objednávky budete informovaní o expedícii balíka a termíne doručenia. Ďakujeme Vám za čas, ktorý ste strávili prečítaním obchodných podmienok.


Ak ste si hocikde v EÚ kúpili tovar, ktorý je chybný alebo nezodpovedá opisu, predajca ho musí bezplatne opraviť, nahradiť alebo vám ponúknuť zníženie ceny/úplné vrátenie peňazí.
Vo všeobecnosti platí, že o úplné alebo čiastočné vrátenie peňazí môžete požiadať len vtedy, keď oprava alebo výmena tovaru nie je možná.
V niektorých krajinách musíte informovať predajcu do dvoch mesiacov od zistenia chyby.
Do šiestich mesiacov od prevzatia tovaru treba preukázať obchodníkovi, že tovar je chybný alebo nezodpovedá opisu.
Po šiestich mesiacoch musíte vo väčšine krajín dokázať, že chyba existovala už pri prevzatí tovaru, napríklad tým, že preukážete nedostatočnú kvalitu materiálu.
Obchodník musí vždy poskytnúť riešenie.
Na nákupy cez internet sa vzťahuje 14-dňová lehota na zváženie, počas ktorej môžete nákup vykonaný cez internet z akéhokoľvek dôvodu zrušiť a tovar vrátiť.
Lehota na zváženie sa na niektoré nákupy nevzťahuje, napríklad na nákup leteniek, cestovných lístkov na vlak, lístkov na koncert, na rezervácie hotelov či prenájmu automobilov, na nákup personalizovaného tovaru, stiahnutý online digitálny obsah alebo tovar zakúpený od súkromnej osoby.
Vrátenie peňazí sa musí uskutočniť do 14 dní od prijatia zrušenia, obchodníci ho však môžu pozdržať dovtedy, kým neprevezmú tovar alebo nedostanú potvrdenie o jeho vrátení. Ak je tovar poškodený alebo chybný, mali by sa vám vrátiť aj náklady na prepravu.
Viac informácií:

Bez ohľadu na to, či ste si tovar kúpili cez internet, v obchode alebo prostredníctvom zásielkového predaja, máte vždy právo na minimálne dvojročnú bezplatnú záruku.
Dva roky začínajú plynúť prevzatím nákupu.
Dvojročná záruka predstavuje minimálne právo – vnútroštátne predpisy vo vašej krajine môžu poskytovať dlhšiu ochranu. Odchýlka od predpisov musí byť v najlepšom záujme spotrebiteľa.
Dvojročná záruka sa vzťahuje aj na použitý tovar. V niektorých krajinách môže byť záruka kratšia ako dva roky, minimálne však musí byť jeden rok.
Viac informácií:

Obchodník vás musí vždy jasne informovať o celkovej cene vášho nákupu vrátane dodania a iných súvisiacich nákladov.
So všetkými dodatočnými nákladmi musíte výslovne súhlasiť.
Obchodník je zodpovedný za každé poškodenie tovaru od momentu jeho odoslania až do dodania.
Ak si nákup neprevezmete priamo alebo ste si ho objednali na dodanie domov, obchodník by vám ho mal dodať do 30 dní.
Ak tovar do 30 dní alebo v dohodnutej lehote nedostanete, musíte na to obchodníka upozorniť a poskytnúť mu dodatočný, primeraný čas, aby vám ho dodal.
Ak ho nedodá ani v predĺženej lehote, máte nárok na ukončenie zmluvy a bezodkladné vrátenie peňazí.
Viac informácií:

Vrátenie peňazí
Obchodník vám musí peniaze vrátiť do 14 dní od prijatia vašej žiadosti o zrušenie objednávky. Túto lehotu však môže obchodník predĺžiť v prípade, že tovar nedostal späť alebo nemá dôkaz o tom, že ste ho poslali.
Vo vrátenej kúpnej cene musia byť zahrnuté náklady na poštovné, ktoré ste zaplatili pri objednávke tovaru. Obchodník vám však môže účtovať náklady na dodanie tovaru, ak ste výslovne žiadali o neštandardné (napr. expresné) doručenie.


V prípade, že si kupujúci neprevezme balík od kuriérskej služby, náklady na spätnú prepravu hradí kupujúci. Tento poplatok je rovnaký ako cena dopravy uvedená v čase objednávky.

Spotrebiteľom je podľa legislatívy fyzická osoba.


Privacy Policy
Privacy statement / Personal data protection policy

Privacy statement
Personal data protection policy

Date of acceptance: 2024-07-01
data controller
Name: Maxfire Brandschutz s.r.o.
Registered office: Južná classa 74 040 01 Košice - Juh district, Slovakia
Postal address, handling of complaints: Južná tride 74 040 01 Košice - South Slovakia district
Phone number: +4367764016999
Website: /
Hosting provider
Name: UNAS Online Kft.
Postal address: Kőszegi út 14, 9400 Sopron Hungary
E-mail address:
Telephone number:
Description of data processing during the operation of the online store

This document contains all relevant information on data management related to the operation of the online store based on the general regulation of the European Union on data protection no. 2016/679 (hereinafter: GDPR Regulation) and Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Information about the use of cookies

What is a cookie?

The data administrator uses so-called cookies when visiting the website. A cookie is an information package consisting of letters and numbers that our website sends to your browser in order to save certain settings, to facilitate the use of our website and to help us collect some relevant statistical information about our visitors.

Some of the cookies do not contain personal data and are not suitable for identifying an individual user, but some of them contain an individual identifier - a secret, randomly generated string of numbers - which is stored on your device, thereby ensuring your identification. The operating time of each cookie is indicated in the respective description of each cookie.

Legal background and legal basis of cookies:

Basically, we distinguish between three types of cookies: cookies that are necessary for operation, that serve the proper functioning of the Website, cookies for statistical purposes and cookies for marketing purposes.

The legal basis for data management is your consent in the case of cookies for statistical and marketing purposes based on Article 6 (1) point a) of the Regulation, as well as the legal basis necessary to ensure the operation of the Website according to Art. 6 par. 1 letter f) Regulations of interest, in the case of cookies necessary for operation.

Main characteristics of cookies used by the website:

Cookies necessary for operation:

If you do not agree to the use of these cookies, some functions may not be available to you.

Cookies absolutely necessary for operation: These cookies are necessary for the use of the website and enable the use of basic functions of the website. In case of their absence, many functions of the site will not be available to you. The lifetime of these types of cookies is limited to the duration of the session.

Session cookie: These cookies save the visitor's location, browser language, payment menu and their lifetime is until the browser is closed or a maximum of 2 hours.

Age-restricted content cookie: These cookies record approval of age-restricted content and that the person concerned is over 18 years of age and last until the browser is closed.

Recommended products cookie: Using the "recommend to a friend" function, records a list of products that you want to recommend. Its lifespan is 60 days.

Mobile version, design cookie: Detects the device used by the visitor and switches to full view on mobile. Its lifespan is 365 days.

Cookie acceptance of cookies: When you come to the site, you agree to the statement on the storage of cookies in the warning window. Its lifespan is 365 days.

Logout #2 cookie: According to option #2, the system logs out the visitor after 90 days. Its lifespan is 90 days.

Backend identification cookie: Identifier of the backend server serving the page. Its lifetime lasts until the browser is closed.

employee_login_last_email When logging in, the e-mail address is saved until the browser is closed.

Ealrm, ealem, ealpw Provides permanent access. Its lifespan is 180 days.

come_from Admission will redirect. It lasts 10 minutes.

Barion Pixel cookies When using the Barion payment solution, the company Barion Payment Zrt. to prevent fraud cookies (they are cookies ba_vid, and ba_sid) which also manage personal data (profile). In the case of Barion payment, this Seller can only secure payment using these cookies, it is not possible to disable them. The purpose of the ba_vid cookie based on the Barion cookie information: to filter bank card fraud based on a digital fingerprint. device used by Buyer and browsing habits. The use of cookies is necessary to recognize fraudsters. The cookie ensures that we know about the data from the browsing habits that come from the user. The purpose of the cookie based on the Barion cookie information: to filter bank card fraud based on the digital fingerprint of the device being used. on the part of the customer and inspection habits

not even. The cookie ensures that the company Barion Zrt. can track browsing habits between two sessions on a given website. These are a

_vid, ID related to the user, which is a hash constructed from the properties of the browser based on the timestamp of the first, current and last visit to the given website, the current session ID, permissions for third-party cookies, the purpose of the cookie ba_sid based on the information provided by the Barion Cookie: bank card fraud screening based on the digital fingerprint of the device used by the customer and browsing habits. The cookie ensures that the session can be identified on the website of Barion Zrt. The storage time of the ba_vid and cookies is 1.5 years from the last update, the storage time of the ba_sid cookie is 30 minutes. The data is stored by the company Barion Zrt. Information about Barion cookies is available here:

Cookies for statistical purposes:

Google Analytics cookie: Google Analytics is an analytics tool from Google that helps website and app owners get a more accurate picture of their visitors' activities. The service may use cookies to collect information and report statistical data about the use of the website without individually identifying visitors to Google. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is the "__ga" cookie. In addition to reports generated from website usage statistics, Google Analytics - together with some of the advertising cookies described above - can also be used to display more relevant advertisements in Google products (such as Google search) and on the Internet.

Help with rules for obtaining consent from users in the EU - Company - Google

Cookies to improve the user experience: These cookies collect information about the user's use of the website, such as which pages are most visited or what error message is received from the website. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor, that is, they work with completely general, anonymous information. We use the data obtained from them to improve the performance of the website. The lifetime of these types of cookies is limited to the duration of the session.

Reference cookies: They record the external page from which the visitor came to the page. Their lifetime lasts until the browser is closed.

Last viewed product cookie: Records the products that the visitor last viewed. Their lifespan is 60 days.

Last Viewed Cookie Category: Records the last viewed category. Its lifespan is 60 days.

Basket cookie: Records the products placed in the basket. Its lifespan is 365 days.

Smart offer cookie: Records the conditions for displaying smart offers (e.g. the visitor was already on the page, made an order). Its lifespan is 30 days.

Marketing cookies:

Google Adwords cookie When someone visits our site, the visitor's cookie ID is added to the remarketing list. Google uses cookies, such as NID and SID cookies, in Google products, for example to customize the ads displayed on Google Search. For example, it uses such cookies to remember your most recent searches, your previous interactions with ads or search results from certain advertisers, and your visits to advertisers' websites. AdWords conversion tracking uses cookies. To track sales and other conversions resulting from advertising, cookies are stored on the user's computer when that person clicks on the advertisement. Some of the common uses of cookies are: selecting ads based on what is relevant to the user, improving reports on campaign performance, and preventing ads that the user has already seen from being displayed.

Remarketing cookies: may be shown to previous visitors or users when browsing other websites in the Google Advertising Network or searching for terms related to your products or services

User ID cookie prediction to recommend personalized ads. Its lifespan is 3 months.

Facebook pixel (Facebook cookie) The Facebook pixel is a code with which a conversion report is prepared on the website, the target audience is compiled and the site owner receives detailed analytical data about how visitors use the website. With the help of the Facebook pixel, you can display personalized offers and advertisements on the Facebook interface to website visitors. You can read Facebook's privacy policy here:

The purpose of is to store a statement from interested parties as to whether you have consented to the collection of data from your browsing habits and research on your shopping carts.

in order to display personalized advertisements and offers. If you have agreed, cookies necessary for operation will be included

t, we use data collected by cookies to prevent bank card fraud and your browsing habits to examine your shopping habits so we can display personalized ads and offers. Lifetime: 1.5 years from the last update

Barion Media and Advertisers Cookie Its purpose is to synchronize and match the different user IDs of the Barion system and the partner's system. As part of their operation, cookies signal the partners' servers to download their own cookie file with the user ID to the browser of the website visitor. In this way, identifiers generated in two systems at the same time in one browser will be matched.

Microsoft Clarity Microsoft Clarity monitors user behavior, clicks and creates heat maps. provides chat to visitors on our website. Stored data: texts entered by the customer. Shelf life 36 months.

You can find more information about deleting cookies at the following links:

Internet Explorer:
Data processed for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling the contract

In order to conclude and fulfill the contract, several cases of data management may be implemented. We would like to point out that the processing of data related to the handling of claims and warranty management is only carried out if you exercise one of the above-mentioned rights.

If you do not make a purchase through the online store, but are only a visitor to the online store, the provisions on the management of data for marketing purposes may apply to you if you give us consent for marketing purposes.

More detailed data processing carried out for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling the contract:


For example, if you contact us with a question about a product by e-mail, contact form or by phone. The previous contact is not mandatory, you can skip it and order from the e-shop at any time.


Managed data
The data you provided when contacting us.


Duration of data management
We process the data only until the contact is terminated.


Legal basis for data management
Your voluntary consent that you give to the data controller by contacting us. [Data management according to Article 6, paragraph 1 letter a) of the regulation]

Registration on the website

By saving the data entered during registration, the operator can provide a more convenient service (e.g. the data subject does not have to be entered again when making a new purchase). Registration is not a condition for concluding a contract


Managed data
During data management, the Data Controller manages your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, the characteristics of the purchased product and the date of purchase.


Duration of data management
Until you withdraw your consent.


Legal basis for data management
Your voluntary consent, which you give to the Operator during registration [Data processing according to article 6 par. 1 letter a) Regulations]

Processing orders

During the processing of orders, data management activities are necessary for the purpose of fulfilling the contract.


Managed data
During data management, the Data Controller manages your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, characteristics of the purchased product, order number and date of purchase.

If you have placed an order in the online store, data management and provision of data are necessary for the performance of the contract.


Duration of data management
We process data for 5 years according to the civil law statute of limitations.


Legal basis for data management
Fulfillment of the contract. [Data management according to Article 6, paragraph 1 letter b) of the regulation]

Issuing an invoice

The data management process is carried out for the purpose of issuing invoices in accordance with legislation and fulfilling the obligation to store accounting documents. The Sztv. According to § 169 par. 1 to 2, economic companies must keep accounting documents directly and indirectly supporting accounting.


Managed data
Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number.


Duration of data management
Invoices issued 431/2002 Coll. According to the Accounting Act, it must be kept for 8 years from the date of issue of the invoice.


Management of data related to the delivery of goods

The data management process takes place in order to deliver the ordered product.


His hand

Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number.

Duration of data management
The operator manages the data for a period of 1 year from the delivery of the ordered goods.

Legal basis for data management
Fulfillment of the contract [Data management according to Article 6 par. 1 letter b) Regulations].

Data recipients and processors

data processing related to the delivery of goods

Name of recipient: GLS General Logistics Systems Hungary Csomag-Logisztikai Kft.
Recipient's address: 2351 Alsonémedi, GLS Európa u. 2.
Telephone number of the recipient: 06-29-88-67-00
Recipient's email address:
Website of the addressee:

The courier service contributes to the delivery of the ordered goods on the basis of the contract concluded with the data controller. The courier service handles the personal data received in accordance with the data management information available on its website.

Name of recipient: Raben Trans European Hungary Kft.
Recipient's address: H-2330, Dunaharaszti, Jedlik Ányos u. 31
Recipient's phone number: Tel: +36 24 502 000
Recipient's e-mail address:
Recipient's website:

The courier service contributes to the delivery of the ordered goods on the basis of the contract concluded with the data controller. The courier service handles the personal data received in accordance with the data management information available on its website.

Warranties and claims management

Art. applies to warranty and complaints. (IV. 29.) We must act according to the rules of the NGM decree, which also determines how we must handle your claim.


Managed data

When processing warranty and guarantee claims, we must follow the rules of Civil § 620 V sznego ostovanie.

Based on the decree, we are obliged to make a record of the warranty or complaint notified to us, in which we record:

a) your name, address and a statement that you agree to the processing of your data recorded in the log in accordance with the regulations,
b) the name and purchase price of the movable property sold under the contract between you and us,
c) date of performance of the contract,
d) the date of notification of the error,
e) description of the error,
f) the right you want to exercise based on your warranty or warranty claim, and
g) the method of settlement of the guarantee or guarantee claim or the reason for rejecting the claim or the claim to be asserted on its basis.

If we receive a purchased product from you, we must issue you a receipt stating this

a) your name and address,
b) data necessary to identify the item,
c) date of taking over the item, further
d) the time when you can take over the repaired item.


Duration of data management
The company is obliged to keep the record of the warranty or consumer complaint for a period of three years from the date of its creation and submit it to the control authority upon request.


Legal basis for data management
The legal basis for data management is Z. 18/2018. Compliance with legal obligations according to the Personal Data Protection Act [Data processing according to Art. 6 par. 1 letter c) Regulations].

Handling other consumer protection complaints

The data management process takes place for the purpose of processing complaints for consumer protection. If you have contacted us with a complaint, data management and data provision are essential.


Managed data
Customer name, phone number, e-mail address,

content of the complaint.

Duration of data management
Warranty claims can be made under 108/2024 Coll. by law, we keep it for 5 years.

Legal basis for data management
Contacting us with a complaint is your voluntary decision, however, if you contact us, the Consumer Protection Act No. 1108/2024 Coll. we are obliged to keep the complaint for 3 years [data management according to article 6 par. 1 letter c) Regulations].

Data processed in connection with the verifiability of consent

When registering, ordering and signing up for news, the IT system stores IT data related to consent for later verification.

Managed data
Date of consent and IP address of the person concerned.

Duration of data management
Due to legal requirements, consent needs to be proven later, therefore the data retention period is imposed during the limitation period after the end of data management.

Legal basis for data management
This obligation is stipulated in Article 7, paragraph 1 of the regulation. [Data management according to Article 6, paragraph 1 letter c) of the regulation]

Data management for marketing purposes

Management of data related to sending newsletters

The data management process takes place for the purpose of sending newsletters.

Managed data
Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth.

Duration of data management
Until the consent of the person concerned is revoked.

Legal basis for data management
Your voluntary consent, which you give to the data manager by subscribing to the newsletter [Data processing according to article 6 par. 1 letter a) Regulations]

Data management in connection with the sending and display of personalized advertisements

The data management process is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising content that corresponds to the interests of the person concerned.

Managed data
Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth.

Duration of data management
Until you withdraw your consent.

Legal basis for data management
Your voluntary, separate consent that you give to the data controller during data collection [Data processing according to Article 6 par. 1 letter a) Regulations]


Data management as a remarketing activity is performed using a file

in the cookie.

Managed data
Data managed by cookies specified in the cookie information.

Duration of data management
Data retention period of the given cookie, more information can be found here:

General information about Google cookies:

Google Analytics information:


Information on Facebook:


Legal basis for data management
Your voluntary consent, which you give to the Operator by using the website [data management according to article 6 par. 1 letter a) Regulations].

Additional data management

If the Operator wishes to carry out further data processing, it will provide preliminary information on the essential circumstances of data processing (legal background and legal basis of data processing, purpose of data processing, scope of processed data, duration of data processing).

Recipients of personal data
Data processing for the storage of personal data
Name of data processor: UNAS Online Kft.
Contact details of the data processor:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Seat: 9400 Sopron, Kőszegi Tue 14.

The processor stores personal data on the basis of a contract concluded with the data controller. You do not have the right to access personal data.
Data processing activity related to sending newsletters
Name of the company operating the information system: UNAS Online Kft.
Headquarters of the company operating the information system: 9400 Sopron, Kőszegi út 14.
Telephone number of the company operating the newsletter system:
E-mail address of the company operating the information system:
Website of the company operating the information system:

The data processor participates in sending newsletters based on the contract concluded with the data manager. The processor processes the name and e-mail address of the person concerned to the extent necessary for sending news.

Management of data related to accounting

Name of data processor: ETL EAST s.r.o.
Registered office of the data processor: Južná classa 1595/74 040 01 Košice
The telephone number of the data processor is +421 55 290 10 40
The e-mail address of the data processor is
Website of the data processor:

Based on a written contract with the data manager, the data processor participates in keeping accounting documents. The processor processes the name and address of the person concerned to the extent necessary for accounting records for a reasonable period of time and then deletes them without delay.

Processing data related to invoicing

Name of data processor: NUMINC Kft.
The address of the data processor is: 500 Esztergom, Kápolna utca 11.
The telephone number of the data processor is +36 1 700 1062
The e-mail address of the data processor is


Website of the data processor:

The processor participates in the registration of accounting documents on the basis of the contract concluded with the data manager. In doing so, the Data Processor will provide the name and address of the person concerned to the extent necessary for accounting records, Sztv. It is processed for the period corresponding to § 169 par. 2, after which it is deleted.

Processing of data related to the operation of the CRM system

Name of data processor: UNAS Online Kft.
The seat of the data processor is: Kőszegi út 14, 9400 Sopron.
Telephone number of the data processor:
The e-mail address of the data processor is:
Website of the data processor:

The processor participates in the registration of orders based on the contract concluded with the data controller. In doing so, the processor processes the name, address, telephone number, number and date of orders of the affected person within the civil law limitation period.

Data management related to online payments

Name of data controller: Barion Payment Zrt.
The seat of the data controller is: 1117 Budapest, Infopark sétány 1.
The telephone number of the operator is +36 1 464 70 99
The e-mail address of the operator is:
Website of the operator:

Based on the contract concluded with the data controller, the payment service provider participates in the implementation of online payment, during which the data is transferred to the online payment service provider during the purchase process. In doing so, the online payment service provider handles the billing name, name and address, order number and date according to its own data management rules.

The purpose of the data transfer is to provide the online payment service provider with the transaction data required for the payment transaction initiated by the online payment service provider.

Legal basis of data transfer: fulfillment of the contract between you and the Operator based on Article 6, paragraph 1 letter b) Regulations that include payment by the customer and, in the case of online payment, also require the transfer of data according to this point.

The payment service provider participates in the online implementation based on the contract concluded with the data manager

payment in which the data is transferred to the online payment service provider during the purchase process. In doing so, the online payment service provider handles the billing name, name and address, order number and date according to its own data management rules.

The purpose of the data transfer is to provide the online payment service provider with the transaction data required for the payment transaction initiated by the online payment service provider.

Legal basis of data transfer: fulfillment of the contract between you and the Data Controller according to Article 6, paragraph 1 letter b) Regulations that include payment by the customer and in the case of online payment, the payment requires the transfer of data in accordance with this point

Your data management rights

Within the period of data management, you are entitled to the following rights according to the provisions of the Regulation:

right to withdraw consent
access to personal data and data management information
right to repair
limitation of data management,
the right to erasure
the right to protest
the right to portability.
If you want to exercise your rights, it requires your identification and the Data Controller must necessarily communicate with you. It will therefore be necessary to provide personal data for identification purposes (however, identification can only be based on data that the Operator manages about you) and your complaints regarding data management will be available in the Operator's e-mail. bill within the period specified in this information regarding complaints. If you were our customer and would like to identify yourself in order to handle claims or warranty, please enter your order ID for identification. We can also use this to identify you as a customer.

The data manager will respond to complaints related to data management within 30 days at the latest.


right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent to data management at any time, in which case the data provided will be deleted from our systems. However, please note that in the case of an order that has not yet been fulfilled, cancellation may result in us not being able to deliver to you. In addition, if the purchase has already been made, based on accounting regulations, we cannot delete invoicing-related data from our systems, and if you owe us, then based on a legitimate interest related to debt collection, we can process your data even if you withdraw your consent.

Access to personal data

You have the right to receive feedback from the data controller as to whether your personal data is being processed, and if it is being processed, you have the right to:

gain access to processed personal data and
inform the data controller of the following information:
data management purposes;
categories of personal data processed about you;
information about recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data has been or will be provided by the operator;
the planned period of storage of personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria for determining this period;
the right to request from the operator the correction, deletion or restriction of the processing of your personal data and, in the case of data processing based on legitimate interests, to object to the processing of this personal data;
the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority;
if the data was not collected from you, any available information about its source;
about the fact of automated decision-making (if such a procedure is used), including profiling, as well as, at least in these cases, understandable information about the logic used and the meaning of such data management and the expected consequences for you.
The purpose of exercising the right may be to determine and check the legality of data management, therefore, in the case of multiple requests for information, the Operator may charge a fair fee for providing information.

Access to personal data is ensured by the Operator by sending you the processed personal data and information by email after your identification. If you have registered, we provide access so that you can view and control your personal information after logging into your user account.

Please indicate in your request that you are requesting access to personal data or information related to data management.

Right to rectification

You have the right to demand that the Operator immediately correct inaccurate personal data concerning you.

The right to restrict data processing

You have the right to request that the operator restricts data processing if one of the following conditions is met:

You deny the correctness of the personal data, in which case the restriction applies to the period that allows the Operator to check the correctness of the personal data, if the exact data can be ascertained immediately, the restriction does not apply;
the management of the data is unlawful, but you do not agree to the deletion of the data for any reason (for example, because the data is important for you to exercise a legal claim), therefore you do not request the deletion of the data, but request the restriction of its use;
The operator no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the aforementioned data management, but you require them to exercise, exercise or defend legal claims; obsession
You have objected to the processing of Article

ajov, but the basis of data processing may also be the legitimate interest of the Operator, in this case, until it is determined whether the legitimate reasons of the Operator prevail over your legitimate reasons, data management must be limited.
If data management is subject to restrictions, such personal data may only be processed with the consent of the person concerned, with the exception of their storage or for filing, exercising or defending legal claims or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person. or in an important public interest of the Union or a Member State.

The data manager will inform you in advance (at least 3 working days before the restriction is lifted) about the cancellation of the data management restriction.

The right to erasure - the right to be forgotten

You have the right to have the Operator delete your personal data without undue delay if there is one of the following reasons:

personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which the operator collected or otherwise processed them;
you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for data processing;
You object to the processing of the data on the basis of legitimate interest and there is no overriding legitimate reason (i.e. legitimate interest)

for data management,
the administrator handled personal data illegally and this was discovered based on a complaint,
personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation prescribed by EU or Member State law applicable to the data controller.
If the controller has, for any legitimate reason, published the personal data it processes about you and is obliged to delete it for any of the above reasons, it is obliged to take all reasonably expected steps, including technical measures, to update the data, taking into account the available technology and the costs of the controller implementation and other data controllers that you have requested the deletion of links to the personal data in question or a copy or duplicate of this personal data.

Deletion does not apply if data management is required:

for the purposes of exercising the right to freedom of expression and information;
fulfillment of an obligation under EU or member state law that apply to the operator that requires the processing of personal data (such a case is the processing of data within the framework of invoicing, as the preservation of the invoice is required by law), or for the purpose of performing a task performed in the public interest or in the performance of a public power entrusted to the data controller;
to submit, exercise and defend legal claims (e.g. if the operator has a claim against you and has not yet fulfilled it, or if a consumer complaint is pending or for data management).
The right to protest

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data based on legitimate interests for reasons related to your own situation. In this case, the operator may no longer process personal data, unless it proves that the data processing is justified by serious legitimate reasons that take precedence over your interests, rights and freedoms, or that are related to presentation, enforcement or defense. legal claims.

If personal data is processed for the purpose of direct acquisition of business, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for this purpose, including profiling, if it is related to direct acquisition of business. If you object to the processing of personal data for direct business purposes, the personal data may no longer be processed for this purpose.

Right to portability

If the data management is carried out in an automated way or if the data management is based on your voluntary consent, you have the right to ask the Data Manager to provide the data that you have provided to the Data Manager, which the manager sends in xml format. , JSON or csv format available to you, if technically possible, you can ask the Data Manager to forward the data in this form to another data manager.

Automated decision making

You have the right not to be subject to the scope of a decision based solely on automated data management (including profiling) that would have legal effects on you or similarly significantly affect you. In these cases, the operator is obliged to take appropriate measures to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the affected person, including at least the right of the affected person to demand human intervention on the part of the operator, express his opinion and file objections to the decision.

The above does not apply if the decision:

Necessary for the conclusion or performance of the contract between you and the Data Controller;
it is enabled by EU or Member State legislation applicable to the data controller, which also provides for appropriate measures to protect your rights and freedoms as well as your legitimate interests; obsession
based on your express consent.
Registration in the data protection register

Infotv. in accordance with its provisions, the operator had to register some data operations in the data protection register. This reporting obligation was terminated on May 25, 2018.

Security measures

reading data

The operator declares that it has taken adequate security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, change, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as from accidental destruction and damage, as well as from making personal data unavailable due to changes in technology. used.

The Data Controller will do everything within its organizational and technical capabilities to ensure that its Data Processors also take adequate data security measures when working with your personal data.


If, in your opinion, the data controller has violated a legal provision regarding data management or failed to comply with any of your requests, the alleged illegal data management will be terminated

sa, you can start the investigative procedure of the Personal Data Protection Office of the Slovak Republic.
Hraničná 12
820 07 Bratislava 27
Slovak republic
Secretariat to the filing office
+ 421 2 32 31 32 14

We would also like to inform you that in case of violation of the legal provisions on data management, or if the Operator does not fulfill any of your requirements, you can file a civil lawsuit against the Operator in court.

Editing information about data management

The data controller reserves the right to modify this data management information in a way that does not affect the purpose and legal basis of data management. By using the website after the amendment takes effect, you agree to the changed information on data management.

If the Operator wishes to carry out further data processing in connection with the collected data for a purpose other than the purpose of its collection, it will inform you of the purpose of data processing and the following information before further data processing:

on the period of storage of personal data, or if this is not possible, on the criteria for its determination;
the right to request from the operator access to your personal data, their correction, deletion or restriction of processing, and in the case of data processing based on legitimate interests, you can object to the processing of personal data, and in the case of data processing based on consent or a contractual relationship, you can request the provision of portability rights data;
in the case of data management based on consent, that you can revoke your consent at any time,
the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority;
about whether the provision of personal data is based on legal regulations or a contractual obligation or is a prerequisite for concluding a contract, as well as whether you are obliged to provide personal data and what possible consequences failure to provide data may have;
about the fact of automated decision-making (if such a procedure is used), including profiling, as well as, at least in these cases, understandable information about the logic used and the meaning of such data management and the expected consequences for you.
Data processing can only start after, if the legal basis for data processing is consent, you must consent to data processing in addition to information.

Google's detailed information on data management: